Nollywood actress Bimbo Oshin has raised a toast to her dearest friend, Jaiye Kuti, as she turns a new age today, July 10 2024. The internet is agog with beautiful photos of Jaiye Kuti, as many took to their respective pages to cheer her on and penned sweet messages to adore her. The celebrant declared love to herself and gratitude to God for another year. She wrote, “I’m loving me. I’m grateful to God Almighty for another year of grace. I’m loving me more. Alagbede of a woman.” Sharing photos of Jaiye Kuti on Instagram, Bimbo Oshin raised a toast to their relationship, calling her the most incredible person she has ever met. She is thankful for the laughter, adventures, and memories they shared and the love that inspires her daily. Bimbo prayed that her friend’s dreams and aspirations would come true and she would live long to reap the fruits of her labour. She wrote, “Let me raise a toast to the most incredible person I’ve ever met! @jaiyeola_monje I’m so grateful for the laughter, a...
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